Reflexive Verbs Agreement French

Reflexive verbs in French can be tricky for non-native speakers to grasp. These verbs indicate that the action of the verb is performed on the subject rather than on an object. In other words, the subject is both the doer and the receiver of the action. For example, in the sentence “Je me lave,” the verb “se laver” is reflexive because the subject (je) is also the object (me).

One common issue that arises with reflexive verbs in French is agreement. In order to agree the reflexive pronoun with the subject, you need to be aware of the gender and number of the subject.

For example, if the subject is masculine and singular, you would use the reflexive pronoun “se.” If the subject is feminine and singular, you would use “se” as well. If the subject is plural and either masculine or mixed gender, you would use “se” as well. However, if the subject is plural and feminine, you would use “se” as the reflexive pronoun.

To illustrate this, let’s look at some examples:

– Je me lave les mains. (I wash my hands.)

– Tu te brosses les cheveux. (You brush your hair.)

– Il se regarde dans la glace. (He looks at himself in the mirror.)

– Elle se maquille avant de sortir. (She puts on makeup before going out.)

– Nous nous habillons pour la fête. (We dress up for the party.)

– Vous vous amusez bien en vacances. (You have fun on vacation.)

– Ils se rasent tous les matins. (They shave every morning.)

– Elles se brossent les dents avant de dormir. (They brush their teeth before sleeping.)

As you can see, the reflexive pronoun agrees with the subject in terms of gender and number. This is important for correct grammar and to avoid confusion and misunderstandings.

In conclusion, reflexive verbs in French require attention to agreement between the subject and the reflexive pronoun. Keep in mind the gender and number of the subject when using these verbs, and you’ll be able to communicate effectively and accurately in French.